Where does the new money, also known as currency, come from?
The people creates it, just like all currencies worldwide. Currency a.k.a. Money was created by the people for ease and equal exchange of value.
What system of distribution will be used for the money?
The people will decide which system best fits their needs. There are already quantum and new systems in development. Creation is moving amazingly fast at this time and it is the best for the peoples to make this decision prior to distribution so that the best system is utilized at that time.
Why wait for all the authorizations also known as “Consents” to implement the new system?
The new system is of the people’s agreement and consent. As with any new worldwide implementation, there must be a quorum of consent to shift the consciousness and overpower the current system of control. This will serve to substantiate that it is REAL and not fictitious.
The autographs are being used to create a unified consented voice that CAN NOT be contested by any of the OLD governments, banks, etc. This is FULL liberation for ALL of humanity, which is why it is so important we focus on energizing the NEW NOW.
We are here to SIMPLIFY things & to OFFER this as an easy choice which is absolutely transparent. When you read and innerstand the Divine Plan, you will find that an autograph simply supports this, there is no obligation.
Do we have to pay back grants?
All non-criminal debt will be discharged, wiped out. In the new system, there are no grants, loans, or repayment of humanitarian funds.
GESARA/NESARA basic income vs Global People’s Monetary system?
GESARA’s basic income is below poverty level. GPMS is comfort and access to more.
How do you protect yourself from getting “de-platformed”?
This plan is divinely guided. As the people’s consent grows, so does the power of Divine Authority. We the people have the majority and will collectively create our own platform a.k.a. system to be heard.
Are the banks and current currencies linked to the QFS (Quantum Financial System)?
The new system will be quantum and the specific system has not been determined. There are multiple options, and people will choose the system once the autographs have been received. This will allow for the most up-to-date and most effective system to be utilized.
I do not have a bank account. Upon signing, will I have to open a bank account to receive the initial funds and the funds that will be distributed monthly thereafter?
In the new system you will have options, i.e., a bank account, a prepaid or a debit card in the old system, etc.
I joined the group with my Facebook nickname ‘Cindy’. But Cynthia is my formal name, so when I place my signature for the final support, does it matter which I use?
You will authorize your consent using your name, not your nickname.
Will the website be in different languages? How can we reach people in different languages? Or what about volunteers who go around their communities to get signed autographs (like the one you sign when you receive a petition by mail)?
On the website, there is a dropdown menu to choose the language for the translation. We have people who have translated the other documents that will be available i.e., Comparison of Old vs New system. The People will have the option to sign up via their phone, tablet, laptop, or computer. For anyone that does not have one of these technological devices, they can request a Community Relations Facilitator to visit them to obtain their digital authorization, i.e., indigenous people.
Do we have to invest to get the initial $20,000?
No, there is no request for an investment. Today, nor will there be any money requested at the time of funding. The initial amount of $20,000 may change. If it does, it will be more. The initial amount is invented to start the process from “Debt” to “Comfort”, using the money for immediate medical, buy car, rent a home, buy clothes, etc. Many of these things will be covered at no cost and the initial amount will give people a good jump start.
The only “investment” would be donations to help fund the 100% volunteer efforts, i.e., pay for web hosting (funds have already been raised for this), travel for ambassadors (free on the new system), hard costs – not salaries or profits. As always, we have put out a request for money needed and the people have always responded graciously.
Where will the communities be built?
ALL over the world. They will start in the locations that have the greatest need.
What are the paid products in the new system?
Please refer to the comparison chart. Items to create “Comfort” life will be included and defined. The initial lump sum will assist in getting each to that place of “Comfort” to furnish the home, purchase transportation, pay for medical, etc. Remember there will be no “debt”, so the monthly amount will go a long way. Each will be able to purchase beyond “Comfort” with their monthly funds. In addition, there will be the ability to “Requests” funding for items beyond i.e., house plumbing goes out, fire damage, car needs repair or no longer working. These additional “Request” for funds will also cover things that “insurance” once covered.
How will all debts be eliminated?
“Financial Debt” was never part of the Divine Plan. Once the distribution is complete, in Phase 3, financial debt will be eliminated, washed from the “books”.
How do retired people fit into the system if they are to old to work?
Retired people will have funds distributed to them the same as every human being. They will not be required to work nor will not be restricted if they choose to work or contribute their time/energy. See Comparison Chart.
With unlimited money, may come ‘unlimited consumption and capitalist mentality’ etc. What solutions have you visioned moving forward with the impending waste explosions? I mean, if money is unlimited, everyone “may” want a private airplane etc?
We, the People are tasked with distributing abundance in a responsible manner (which is why the initial roll-out is rather small.) As the Global Consciousness expands and people become more self-responsible and aware, so too will the distribution of value/funds/money. Creator/Source will prompt these increases as and when humanity can handle each next step up.
After The Event/Solar Flash, most people will automatically have a change of heart away from overt consumerism (abuse of natural resources, greed, personal enrichment) to sustainable living (environmental restoration & protection, needs-based living, community enhancement.) IOW, people will BE self-responsible.
Who owns the data you collate from all the consents? And is it being used to sell to third parties?
You own your own data/submission and can delete it at any time. Your data will never be sold to third parties. GPMS is NOT an energy harvesting system (also known as profit.) GPMS is a fifth dimensional project, the ultimate goal is energy distribution (also known as giving value/money to The People.)
Who has set this website up? What organisation?
We, The People, have set this up. Rick Jewers was guided by Prime Father Creator to start the 5D GPMS timeline, and has done so. We, the People, are making it happen, collectively, in unity.
How long will it take for the first $20.000 to be given to a person after signing up?
It is not possible to give dates/timing. The speed at which humanity awakens (and submits their consent) determines the timing and course of events. This is a co-creative reality, therefore, all of humanity collectively determines when we can arrive at the required number of sovereign consents to authorize Phase 2. GPMS is operated for the people by the people.
See The 3 Phases for more information about the roll-out.
All inclusive, will people that have committed crimes against humanity be allowed to join us?
Answer 1: The short answer is “yes”, that anyone may join. However, the full answer shows how those that committed crimes against humanity, will be participating at a lower level in the beginning if they join, and a more reclusive existence to follow, whereas their crimes will be known to ALL, and for various reasons by default, they will be individually withdrawn from the full benefits of the system. Whereas the peoples system does not promote discrimination nor judgment, all must be allowed to join, and individual circumstances dictates later whetever one continues in the system or not. Personally, I do NOT see any of these villains joining, for it goes against their agenda, and there is no chance for them to assume any prominent position in the New System. One also has to consider the majority of good people worldwide, over 90% of the population, knowing the identity of these villains, does NOT allow for these villains to participate in a society that is opposite to what they are. To fully answer the question, and the human reasoning about it, a little more is written below. It is important not to become fixated upon what may appear to be a negative thing, for as this evolves, it becomes fully positive, the focus is to go forward, where things like this are naturally/divinely taken care of and do not even manifest into existence.
Answer 2: As a result of us going forward, many of those that committed crimes against humanity, will be revealed, and those that have already been proven guilty by the lower legal systems will not enjoy the full benefits of the people. We, as a people, would become no better than those that cause harm, by physically harming them. To escape such a scenario and advance humanity into human, there will be NO physical harm or death action taken by the people.
The Lawful People’s Court, upon the inception of the system, deals with any discovered crimes thereafter against the people. Monetary crimes have become only a misdemeanor of sorts and it would be a waste of time to make a lawful decision upon them. However, it does not mean that people may decide to decide an action depending upon the severity of the crime if it advertently and/or indirectly caused physical harm to any human in any unprovoked circumstance.
The People’s Court is the highest court upon the planet, and is known as Divine Law, which supersedes any other law or legal system. Any judgmentmade by the People’s Court, does NOT ever physically harm a criminal, they are separated from the people’s system depending upon the severity of their crimes. This may be an island. For example, however, they will have their basic needs, because people would lose their own lawful status by deprivation of sustenance. Divine occurrence also dictates energetically who survives the wrath an individual may have created for themselves by insidious deeds towards others.