Divine Law
Universal Nation Decree
I am a Universal Divine Being, A Divine Delegation of Universal Natural Law and Absolute Unalienable Rights of Self Determination.
What is Divine Law?
Divine law is the very essence of human nature & requires no proof.
As sovereign beings we must affirm & embody our creator given unalienable rights under Divine law.
By Voluntary Association
Author: Marc Horn, Founder, Peace Keepers
This looks at alternative ways people may choose to associate with one another to find a more sustainable fair and just way of sharing out the benefits of the Creator's creations to allow a more fulfilling experience by humanity than that which has in many ways served the few at the expense of the many.
It is clear that the reason for this is that as human beings we have strayed from applying humanities best available knowledge. We have accepted self-justification as an excuse for the massive differences in living standards between the 'haves' and the 'have not's.'
The truth is self-evident. Straying from the truth creates mal-distribution where we simply ignore the evidence and turn a blind eye when we see an injustice. It has become more convenient than standing up and doing the right thing to stop such injustices.
This allows the injustices to perpetuate, and as more and more become aware of these simple truths, the momentum to return to rule of Natural Law increases. Everyone is equal under Natural Law, and no one is above the law. There is no simple silver bullet solution; however, the ingenuity of humanity will find solutions when all possibilities are allowed to be explored
The change is in us. We must 'be' the change we want to see in this world and it starts within each one of us!
The law is as simple as the truth is self-evident to those who choose to see. Without the rule of Natural Law, a peaceful coexistence is not possible as history well shows us.
It is time to start with the obvious. Everyone has a personal responsibility to understand Natural Law and everyone must take accountability to do no harm and keep the peace while ensuring others keep the peace also. That is how simple the solution is!
By understanding our moral obligations to one another and how we will settle disputes between ourselves, the lines will be clear as to what is acceptable and what is not.
- Until someone can provide first hand cross examinable witness testimony from the creator
(whatever that means to any individual) it is self-evident that:
- I have no more right to any of the creators creations than another, and
- I have no authority to impose my will on another, and
- No individual or group of individuals can impose their will on any other individual.
- Cannot evidence the right to deprive another of their rights of survival
if I have more than I need, equally entitling every individual to:
- Shelter from the environment, and
- Clean air to breath, and
- Nutritious food to eat, and
- Clean water to drink.
- Cannot evidence the right to deprive another of their entitlement to:
- Freedom of speech to find meaningful ways to express their thoughts (principles but not personalities) as personalities are not subject to attack under the guise of free speech by another as they are subjective, where as any principles anyone expresses are subject to the search for evidence-based truth without restriction. The principle is he who asserts must prove their claim, and
- Knowledge from generations past to minimise knowingly causing other creations harm, and
- The right of others to freely associate with whom so ever they choose.
- The highest claim of a right is by the act of creating - you cannot give what is not yours to give:
- Without creation there is no existence, and
- Without existence there can be no right, and
- No one has a higher claim to any existence than the one who created it.
- No one can lawfully create duties, rights or obligations on any other without agreement created by:
- Honour - by free-will consent to respective duties, rights and obligations my word is my bond, in
- Good Faith - free from malice or intent to defraud another by not putting one's self interest above the interests of any another, with
- Clean Hands - full disclosure following a meeting of minds with the intent of minimising risks of misunderstanding of self-performance and expectations of others.
- Making socially enforceable law self-evident for those who choose to see:
- Ignorance of the law is no excuse – unrebutted truth stands as law.
- The law operates without fear or favour - beliefs do not matter, the truth will prevail.
- To lie is to go against the mind – logic and reason creates a common understanding.
- All are equal under the law - no privileges, what one can do, all can do.
- No one is above the law - all are accountable for harm they knowingly cause.
- Innocent until proven guilty – who asserts must prove their right, and another’s obligation.
- Therefore keeping the peace is our social contract as no individual can prove authority to knowingly cause another harm, every individual is obliged:
- Not to breach another's peace, and
- To enforce others to keep the peace (turning a blind eye can cause harm) and
- Before breaching another’s peace you must apply your mind to the evidence, which you must show at the time of breaching another's peace, which created your belief that another has, or intends to cause harm.
- Every individual has the right of self-defence:
- Denial of any individuals right creates an obligation to provide remedy, and
- If remedy is not provided all reasonable force can be used to provide for one's self, and
- Remedy must return the harmed party to parity of where they would be had the harm not happened.
Follow the GPMS Community for further information!
GPMS and the Divine Law
GPMS recognizes that all of Creation evolves according to Divine Will and a Divine Plan for Creation with its own Divine and Universal Laws independent of all others.
GPMS brings All People Together Worldwide logically, then Activates Their ability to Co-Create a Harmonious, Free, and Prosperous World All Together. GPMS affirms it is our moral duty to align with Divine Law and act as stewards of this Divine Plan to bring this Earth into balance, abundance and harmony through compassion, higher truth, and divinely inspired wisdom.
It recognizes the votes, voices & Autographs for *ALL CHILDREN in support of Divine Law regardless of age. All Children’s votes & autographs count the same as an adult.
*If the Child is old enough to innerstand what GPMS & Divine Law means for Them, then The Child can consent for Themselves. If, However, a Child DOES NOT innerstand what this means then Their Parent or Guardian can consent on Their behalf, even if the Child is only one minute old.
All members of GPMS are spiritual stewards of our children and we have every right to command their space as protected under the Divine Natural Laws we set forth from our parental love and concern.
GPMS membership is self-appointed.
All that is required is you affirm & embody your creator given unalienable rights by autographing the divine decree, holding love in your heart with visions of a healed and beautiful new earth while standing firm in these beliefs & principles. Your creator-given natural rights are inalienable rights that you have because you exist: (no other person, entity, government, organization can give you these rights or take them away – you’re born with them)
It’s up to you to stand in your power & divine sovereignty! All members of gpms stand together as the 99% in peace, love, strength & unity under these divine principles.
Please join us!
Feel free to share this document with any and all who may need this support.
The Decree
We are the Spark of Divine, the People have unbounded power to shift and create.
Every Man, Woman and Child is born and is by Nature, Free, Equal, Sovereign and possesses the inherent knowing of what is morally and ethically right – By definition, no one can ever be in a position of Authority above another.
I have chosen and am energizing my highest Moral Principles and am fully supporting the evolving Divine Plan contained within the Global Peoples Monetary System and Simplified Law (GPMS) through my consent given below.
I am Activating my infinite intrinsic value and Right to Create in unison with Others, an infinite money supply that is used as a tool to provide instant comfort and abundance for All of Humanity.
I am also Activating to the fullest, My Creator Absolute Unalienable Rights and Freedoms upon the Earth, as well as in all space and time.
These unlimited Rights and Freedoms include:
- Right to Moral and Ethical Choice of Self Determination
- Right of complete comfort and abundance
- Right to liberty
- Right of sustenance
- Freedom to Love and Harmony
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Unity
- Freedom of belief
- Freedom of movement and travel upon Earth, Space, and time
- Freedom of experience
- Freedom of expression